Source code for vimtk.xctrl

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function, unicode_literals
    sudo apt install python-nautilus
    mkdir -p ~/.local/share/nautilus-python/extensions
    import ubelt as ub
except Exception:
    ub = None

import time
import re
import pipes
import logging
from vimtk import cplat

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] def is_directory_open(dpath): # FIXME import ubelt as ub # pip install me! import platform from os.path import basename import re computer_name = platform.node() dname = basename(dpath) if not ub.find_exe('wmctrl'): raise Exception('wmctrl must be installed') for line in ub.cmd('wmctrl -lxp')['out'].splitlines(): parts = re.split(' +', line) if len(parts) > 3 and parts[3] == 'nautilus.Nautilus': if parts[4] == computer_name: # FIXME: Might be a False positive! line_dname = ' '.join(parts[5:]) if line_dname == dname: return True # Always correctly returns False return False
[docs] def wmctrl_list(): lines = ub.cmd('wmctrl -lxp')['out'] windows = {} for line in lines.split('\n'): if line: parts = re.split(' +', line) hexid, deskid, pid, wm_class, client = parts[0:5] title = ' '.join(parts[5:]) wm_id = int(hexid, 16) windows[wm_id] = { 'hexid': hexid, 'wm_id': wm_id, 'deskid': deskid, 'pid': int(pid), 'wm_class': wm_class, 'client': client, 'title': title, } return windows
[docs] def windows_in_order(): """ CommandLine: python -m vimtk.xctrl windows_in_order References: Example: >>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(env:DISPLAY) >>> from vimtk.xctrl import * >>> result = list(windows_in_order()) >>> for win in result: ... if win.visible(): ... print(win) Ignore: # Why is this slow somtimes? import subprocess['xprop', '-root']) proc = subprocess.Popen(['xprop', '-root'], stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, bufsize=1, text=True) out, err = proc.communicate() proc = subprocess.Popen('xprop -root', shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, bufsize=1) info = ub.cmd('xprop -root | grep "^_NET_CLIENT_LIST_STACKING"', shell=True) info = ub.cmd('xprop -root _NET_CLIENT_LIST_STACKING', shell=True) info = ub.cmd('xprop -root _NET_CLIENT_LIST_STACKING') # I don't understand why this can be fast sometimes and slow others import subprocess import timerit import itertools as it import ubelt as ub options = { 'bufsize': [-1, 0], 'shell': [True, False], 'stdout': [subprocess.PIPE, None], 'stderr': [subprocess.PIPE, None], 'stdin': [subprocess.PIPE, None], 'universal_newlines': [True, False], # 'cwd': [None, '.'] # 'env': [None, {}] } ti = timerit.Timerit(3, bestof=1, verbose=3) for vals in it.product(*options.values()): opt = ub.dzip(options.keys(), vals) command = ['xprop', '-root', '_NET_CLIENT_LIST_STACKING'] name = ub.urepr(opt, explicit=True, nobr=1, nl=0, itemsep='') if opt['shell']: command = ' '.join(command) for timer in ti.reset(name): with timer: proc = subprocess.Popen(command, **opt) out, err = proc.communicate() assert proc.returncode == 0 # print(out) for timer in ti.reset('ubelt'): with timer: print(ub.cmd('xprop -root _NET_CLIENT_LIST_STACKING')['out']) print(ub.urepr(ub.sorted_vals(ti.measures['mean']), nl=1, precision=6)) proc = subprocess.Popen('xprop -root', shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, bufsize=0) out, err = proc.communicate() info = ub.cmd('xprop -root', verbose=3, shell=True) ub.cmd('wmctrl -lxp')['out'] os.system('wmctrl -lxp') """ # info = XCtrl.cmd('xprop -root') info = XCtrl.cmd('xprop -root _NET_CLIENT_LIST_STACKING') lines = [line for line in info['out'].split('\n') if line.startswith('_NET_CLIENT_LIST_STACKING')] assert len(lines) == 1, str(lines) winid_order_str = lines[0] winid_order = winid_order_str.split('#')[1].strip().split(', ')[::-1] winid_order = [int(h, 16) for h in winid_order] windows = wmctrl_list() for wm_id in winid_order: info = windows[wm_id] yield XWindow(wm_id, info)
[docs] def find_windows(proc=None, title=None, visible=True): """ CommandLine: python -m vimtk.xctrl find_windows Example: >>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(env:DISPLAY) >>> from vimtk.xctrl import * # NOQA >>> for win in find_windows('gvim'): >>> print(ub.urepr( >>> for win in find_windows('terminator'): >>> print(ub.urepr( """ import re for win in windows_in_order(): flag = True if proc: try: proc_name = win.process_name() flag &= bool(re.match(proc, proc_name)) except Exception: flag = False if title: try: win_title = win.title() flag &= bool(re.match(title, win_title)) except Exception: flag = False if visible: try: flag &= win.visible() except Exception: flag = False if flag: yield win
[docs] class XWindow(object): """ TODO: make API consistent with the win32 version """ def __init__(self, wm_id, info=None, sleeptime=0.01): self.wm_id = wm_id self.cache = info self.sleeptime = 0.01
[docs] @classmethod def find(XWindow, pattern, method='mru'): wm_id = XCtrl.find_window_id(pattern, method=method) self = XWindow(wm_id) return self
[docs] @classmethod def findall(XWindow, pattern): wm_ids = XCtrl.findall_window_ids(pattern) result = [XWindow(wm_id) for wm_id in wm_ids] return result
[docs] @classmethod def current(XWindow): r""" CommandLine: VIMTK_TEST=1 xdoctest -m vimtk.xctrl XWindow.current Example: >>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(env:VIMTK_TEST) >>> from vimtk.xctrl import * # NOQA >>> self = XWindow.current() >>> print('self: XWindow = {}'.format(ub.urepr(self, nl=1))) >>> print('info = ' + ub.urepr(self.wininfo())) """ wm_id = int(ub.cmd('xdotool getwindowfocus')['out'].strip()) win = XWindow(wm_id) return win
[docs] def _wmquery(self, key): if self.cache: return self.cache[key] windows = wmctrl_list() info = windows[self.wm_id] self.cache = info return info['title']
@property def hexid(self): return hex(self.wm_id)
[docs] def title(self): self._wmquery('title')
[docs] def visible(self): """ Basically true for wmctrl (afaik) """ return True
def __nice__(self): try: fname = self.process_name() except Exception: fname = '<error: unable to get process name>' return str(self.wm_id) + ' ' + fname + ' ' + repr(self.title())
[docs] def wm_class(self): return self._wmquery('wm_class')
[docs] def process(self): import psutil pid = self._wmquery('pid') proc = psutil.Process(pid) return proc
[docs] def size(self): # Get the current size info = self.wininfo() w, h = int(info['Width']), int(info['Height']) dsize = (w, h) return dsize
[docs] def resize(self, width, height): """ CommandLine: VIMTK_TEST=1 xdoctest -m vimtk.xctrl XWindow.resize Example: >>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(env:VIMTK_TEST) >>> from vimtk.xctrl import * # NOQA >>> self = XWindow.current() >>> w, h = self.size() >>> self.resize(w + 10, h + 10) """ command = f'xdotool windowsize {self.wm_id} {width} {height}' ub.cmd(command, verbose=3)
[docs] def wininfo(self): """ """ cmdinfo = ub.cmd('xwininfo -id {}'.format(self.wm_id)) if cmdinfo['ret'] != 0: print('info = {}'.format(ub.urepr(cmdinfo, nl=1))) raise Exception(cmdinfo['ret']) out = cmdinfo['out'] info = {} curr_key = None val_accum = [] # Parse key/val lines def accept(info, curr_key, val_accum): if curr_key is not None: info[curr_key] = (' '.join(val_accum)).strip() val_accum.clear() for line in out.split('\n'): if ':' in line: accept(info, curr_key, val_accum) key, val = line.split(':', 1) val_accum.append(val) curr_key = key.strip() else: val_accum.append(line) accept(info, curr_key, val_accum) return info
[docs] def process_name(self): proc = self.process() return
[docs] def focus(self, sleeptime=None): ub.cmd('wmctrl -ia {}'.format(self.hexid)) time.sleep(sleeptime if sleeptime is not None else self.sleeptime)
[docs] def info(self): info = self.cache.copy() info['proc_name'] = self.process_name() return info
[docs] def move(self, bbox): """ CommandLine: # List windows wmctrl -l # List desktops wmctrl -d # Window info xwininfo -id 60817412 python -m vimtk.xctrl XWindow.move joncrall 0+1920,680,400,600,400 python -m vimtk.xctrl XWindow.move joncrall [0,0,1000,1000] python -m vimtk.xctrl XWindow.move GVIM special2 python -m vimtk.xctrl XWindow.move joncrall special2 python -m vimtk.xctrl XWindow.move x-terminal-emulator.X-terminal-emulator [0,0,1000,1000] CommandLine: python -m vimtk.xctrl XWindow.move CommandLine: python -m vimtk.xctrl XCtrl.move_window Example: >>> # xdoctest: +SKIP >>> XCtrl.move_window('joncrall', '[0,0,1000,1000]') Ignore: # >>> orig_window = [] # >>> X = xctrl.XCtrl win_key = 'x-terminal-emulator.X-terminal-emulator' win_id = X.findall_window_ids(key)[0] python -m xctrl XCtrl.findall_window_ids gvim """ monitor_infos = { i + 1: cplat.get_resolution_info(i) for i in range(2) } # TODO: cut out borders # TODO: fix screeninfo monitor offsets # TODO: dynamic num screens def rel_to_abs_bbox(m, x, y, w, h): """ monitor_num, relative x, y, w, h """ minfo = monitor_infos[m] # print('minfo(%d) = %s' % (m, ub.urepr(minfo),)) mx, my = minfo['off_x'], minfo['off_y'] mw, mh = minfo['pixels_w'], minfo['pixels_h'] # Transform to the absolution position abs_x = (x * mw) + mx abs_y = (y * mh) + my abs_w = (w * mw) abs_h = (h * mh) abs_bbox = [abs_x, abs_y, abs_w, abs_h] abs_bbox = ','.join(map(str, map(int, abs_bbox))) return abs_bbox if self.title().startswith('joncrall') and bbox == 'special2': # Specify the relative position abs_bbox = rel_to_abs_bbox(m=2, x=0.0, y=0.7, w=1.0, h=0.3) elif self.title().startswith('GVIM') and bbox == 'special2': # Specify the relative position abs_bbox = rel_to_abs_bbox(m=2, x=0.0, y=0.0, w=1.0, h=0.7) else: abs_bbox = ','.join(map(str, eval(bbox))) print('MOVING: win_key = %r' % (self.title(),)) print('TO: abs_bbox = %r' % (abs_bbox,)) # abs_bbox.replace('[', '').replace(']', '') # get = lambda cmd: XCtrl.cmd(' '.join(["/bin/bash", "-c", cmd]))['out'] # NOQA win_id = XCtrl.find_window_id(self.title(), error='raise') print('MOVING: win_id = %r' % (win_id,)) fmtdict = locals() cmd_list = [ ("wmctrl -ir {win_id} -b remove,maximized_horz".format(**fmtdict)), ("wmctrl -ir {win_id} -b remove,maximized_vert".format(**fmtdict)), ("wmctrl -ir {win_id} -e 0,{abs_bbox}".format(**fmtdict)), ] print('\n'.join(cmd_list)) for cmd in cmd_list: XCtrl.cmd(cmd)
[docs] def _wmctrl_terminal_patterns(): """ wmctrl patterns associated with common terminals """ terminal_pattern = r'|'.join([ 'terminal', re.escape('terminator.Terminator'), # gtk3 terminator re.escape('x-terminal-emulator.X-terminal-emulator'), # gtk2 terminator # other common terminal applications 'tilix', 'konsole', 'rxvt', 'terminology', 'xterm', 'tilda', 'Yakuake', 'kitty.kitty', ]) return terminal_pattern
[docs] class XCtrl(object): r""" xdotool key ctrl+shift+i References: Ignore: xdotool keyup --window 0 7 type --clearmodifiers ---window 0 '%paste' # List current windows: wmctrl -l # Get current window xdotool getwindowfocus getwindowname #==== # Get last opened window #==== win_title=x-terminal-emulator.X-terminal-emulator key_ = 'x-terminal-emulator.X-terminal-emulator' # Get all windows in current workspace workspace_number=`wmctrl -d | grep '\*' | cut -d' ' -f 1` win_list=`wmctrl -lx | grep $win_title | grep " $workspace_number " | awk '{print $1}'` # Get stacking order of windows in current workspace win_order=$(xprop -root|grep "^_NET_CLIENT_LIST_STACKING" | tr "," " ") echo $win_order CommandLine: python -m vimtk.xctrl XCtrl:0 Example: >>> # xdoctest: +SKIP >>> # Script >>> orig_window = [] >>> copy_text_to_clipboard(lorium_ipsum()) >>> doscript = [ >>> ('focus', 'x-terminal-emulator.X-terminal-emulator'), >>> ('type', '%paste'), >>> ('key', 'KP_Enter'), >>> # ('focus', 'GVIM') >>> ] >>>*doscript, sleeptime=.01) Ignore: >>> # xdoctest: +SKIP >>> copy_text_to_clipboard(text) >>> if '\n' in text or len(text) > 20: >>> text = '\'%paste\'' >>> else: >>> import pipes >>> text = pipes.quote(text.lstrip(' ')) >>> ('focus', 'GVIM'), >>> # >>> doscript = [ >>> ('focus', 'x-terminal-emulator.X-terminal-emulator'), >>> ('type', text), >>> ('key', 'KP_Enter'), >>> ] >>>*doscript, sleeptime=.01) """ # @staticmethod # def send_raw_key_input(keys): # print('send key input: %r' % (keys,)) # args = ['xdotool', 'type', keys] # XCtrl.cmd(*args, quiet=True, silence=True)
[docs] @classmethod def cmd(XCtrl, command): logging.debug('[cmd] {}'.format(command)) info = ub.cmd(command) if info['ret'] != 0: logging.warn('Something went wrong {}'.format(ub.urepr(info))) return info
[docs] @classmethod def findall_window_ids(XCtrl, pattern=None): """ Returns: List[int]: wmctl ids for the matching windows CommandLine: python -m vimtk.xctrl XCtrl.findall_window_ids --pat=gvim --noskip python -m vimtk.xctrl XCtrl.findall_window_ids --pat=gvim python -m vimtk.xctrl XCtrl.findall_window_ids --pat=joncrall Example: >>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(--noskip) >>> from vimtk.xctrl import * # NOQA >>> pattern = ub.argval('--pat') >>> winid_list = XCtrl.findall_window_ids(pattern) >>> print('winid_list = {!r}'.format(winid_list)) Ignore: wmctrl -l xprop -id wmctrl -l | awk '{print $1}' | xprop -id 0x00a00007 | grep "WM_CLASS(STRING)" """ # List all windows and their identifiers info = XCtrl.cmd('wmctrl -lx') lines = info['out'].split('\n') if pattern is not None: # Find windows with identifiers matching the pattern lines = [line for line in lines if, line)] # Get the hex-id portion of the output winid_list = [line.split()[0] for line in lines] winid_list = [int(h, 16) for h in winid_list if h] return winid_list
[docs] @classmethod def sort_window_ids(XCtrl, winid_list, order='mru'): """ Orders window ids by most recently used """ def isect(list1, list2): set2 = set(list2) return [item for item in list1 if item in set2] winid_order = XCtrl.sorted_window_ids(order) sorted_win_ids = isect(winid_order, winid_list) return sorted_win_ids
[docs] @staticmethod def killold(pattern, num=4): """ Leaves no more than `num` instances of a program alive. Ordering is determined by most recent usage. CommandLine: python -m vimtk.xctrl XCtrl.killold gvim 2 Example: >>> # xdoctest: +SKIP >>> XCtrl = xctrl.XCtrl >>> pattern = 'gvim' >>> num = 2 """ import psutil num = int(num) winid_list = XCtrl.findall_window_ids(pattern) winid_list = XCtrl.sort_window_ids(winid_list, 'mru')[num:] info = XCtrl.cmd('wmctrl -lxp') lines = info['out'].split('\n') lines = [' '.join(list(ub.take(line.split(), [0, 2]))) for line in lines] output_lines = lines # output_lines = XCtrl.cmd( # """wmctrl -lxp | awk '{print $1 " " $3}'""", # **cmdkw)['out'].strip().split('\n') output_fields = [line.split(' ') for line in output_lines] output_fields = [(int(wid, 16), int(pid)) for wid, pid in output_fields] pid_list = [pid for wid, pid in output_fields if wid in winid_list] for pid in pid_list: proc = psutil.Process(pid=pid) proc.kill()
[docs] @staticmethod def sorted_window_ids(order='mru'): """ Returns window ids orderd by criteria default is mru (most recently used) CommandLine: xprop -root | grep "^_NET_CLIENT_LIST_STACKING" | tr "," " " python -m vimtk.xctrl XCtrl.sorted_window_ids CommandLine: python -m vimtk.xctrl XCtrl.sorted_window_ids Example: >>> # xdoctest: +SKIP >>> winid_order = XCtrl.sorted_window_ids() >>> print('winid_order = {!r}'.format(winid_order)) """ info = XCtrl.cmd('xprop -root') lines = [line for line in info['out'].split('\n') if line.startswith('_NET_CLIENT_LIST_STACKING')] assert len(lines) == 1, str(lines) winid_order_str = lines[0] winid_order = winid_order_str.split('#')[1].strip().split(', ')[::-1] winid_order = [int(h, 16) for h in winid_order] if order == 'lru': winid_order = winid_order[::-1] elif order == 'mru': winid_order = winid_order else: raise NotImplementedError(order) return winid_order
[docs] @staticmethod def find_window_id(pattern, method='mru', error='raise'): """ xprop -id 0x00a00007 | grep "WM_CLASS(STRING)" """ logging.debug('Find window id pattern={}, method={}'.format(pattern, method)) winid_candidates = XCtrl.findall_window_ids(pattern) if len(winid_candidates) == 0: if error == 'raise': available_windows = XCtrl.cmd('wmctrl -lx')['out'] msg = 'No window matches pattern=%r' % (pattern,) msg += '\navailable windows are:\n%s' % (available_windows,) logger.error(msg) raise Exception(msg) win_id = None elif len(winid_candidates) == 1: win_id = winid_candidates[0] else: # print('Multiple (%d) windows matches pattern=%r' % ( # len(winid_list), pattern,)) # Find most recently used window with the focus name. win_id = XCtrl.sort_window_ids(winid_candidates, method)[0] return win_id
[docs] @staticmethod def current_gvim_edit(op='e', fpath=''): r""" CommandLine: python -m vimtk.xctrl XCtrl.current_gvim_edit sp ~/.bashrc """ fpath = ub.shrinkuser(ub.truepath(fpath)) # print('fpath = %r' % (fpath,)) cplat.copy_text_to_clipboard(fpath) doscript = [ ('focus', 'gvim'), ('key', 'Escape'), ('type2', ';' + op + ' ' + fpath), # ('type2', ';' + op + ' '), # ('key', 'ctrl+v'), ('key', 'KP_Enter'), ]*doscript, verbose=0, sleeptime=.001)
[docs] @staticmethod def copy_gvim_to_terminal_script(text, return_to_win="1", verbose=0, sleeptime=.02): """ vimtk.xctrl.XCtrl.copy_gvim_to_terminal_script('print("hi")', verbose=1) python -m vimtk.xctrl XCtrl.copy_gvim_to_terminal_script "echo hi" 1 1 If this doesn't work make sure pyperclip is installed and set to xsel print('foobar') echo hi """ # Prepare to send text to xdotool cplat.copy_text_to_clipboard(text) if verbose: print('text = %r' % (text,)) print(cplat.get_clipboard()) terminal_pattern = r'\|'.join([ 'terminal', re.escape('terminator.Terminator'), # gtk3 terminator re.escape('x-terminal-emulator.X-terminal-emulator'), # gtk2 terminator ]) # Build xdtool script doscript = [ ('remember_window_id', 'ACTIVE_WIN'), # ('focus', 'x-terminal-emulator.X-terminal-emulator'), ('focus', terminal_pattern), ('key', 'ctrl+shift+v'), ('key', 'KP_Enter'), ] if '\n' in text: # Press enter twice for multiline texts doscript += [ ('key', 'KP_Enter'), ] if return_to_win == "1": doscript += [ ('focus_id', '$ACTIVE_WIN'), ] # execute script # verbose = 1*doscript, sleeptime=sleeptime, verbose=verbose)
[docs] @staticmethod def do(*cmd_list, **kwargs): """ DEPRICATE THIS """ verbose = kwargs.get('verbose', False) if verbose: print = else: print = logger.debug print('Executing x do: %s' % (ub.urepr(cmd_list),)) # # Make things work even if other keys are pressed defaultsleep = 0.0 sleeptime = kwargs.get('sleeptime', defaultsleep) time.sleep(.05) XCtrl.cmd('xset r off') memory = {} for count, item in enumerate(cmd_list): # print('item = %r' % (item,)) sleeptime = kwargs.get('sleeptime', defaultsleep) assert isinstance(item, tuple) assert len(item) >= 2 xcmd, key_ = item[0:2] if len(item) >= 3: if isinstance(item[2], str) and item[2].endswith('?'): sleeptime = float(item[2][:-1]) print('special command sleep') print('sleeptime = %r' % (sleeptime,)) else: sleeptime = float(item[2]) args = [] print('# Step %d' % (count,)) print('xcmd = {!r}'.format(xcmd)) if xcmd == 'focus': key_ = str(key_) if key_.startswith('$'): key_ = memory[key_[1:]] pattern = key_ win_id = XCtrl.find_window_id(pattern, method='mru') if win_id is None: args = ['wmctrl', '-xa', pattern] else: args = ['wmctrl', '-ia', hex(win_id)] elif xcmd == 'focus_id': key_ = str(key_) if key_.startswith('$'): key_ = memory[key_[1:]] args = ['wmctrl', '-ia', hex(key_)] elif xcmd == 'remember_window_id': memory[key_] = XCtrl.current_window_id() continue elif xcmd == 'remember_window_name': memory[key_] = XCtrl.current_window_name() continue elif xcmd == 'type': args = [ 'xdotool', 'keyup', '--window', '0', '7', 'type', '--clearmodifiers', '--window', '0', str(key_) ] elif xcmd == 'type2': args = [ 'xdotool', 'type', pipes.quote(str(key_)) ] elif xcmd == 'xset-r-on': args = ['xset', 'r', 'on'] elif xcmd == 'xset-r-off': args = ['xset', 'r', 'off'] else: args = ['xdotool', str(xcmd), str(key_)] print('args = {!r}'.format(args)) XCtrl.cmd(args) if sleeptime > 0: time.sleep(sleeptime) XCtrl.cmd('xset r on')
[docs] @staticmethod def current_window_id(): logging.debug('Get current window id') info = XCtrl.cmd('xdotool getwindowfocus') value = int(info['out'].strip()) logging.debug('... current window id = {}'.format(value)) return value
[docs] @staticmethod def current_window_name(): logging.debug('Get current window name') info = XCtrl.cmd('xdotool getwindowfocus getwindowname') value = pipes.quote(info['out'].strip()) logging.debug('... current window name = {}'.format(value)) return value
[docs] @staticmethod def focus_window(winhandle, path=None, name=None, sleeptime=.01): """ sudo apt-get install xautomation apt-get install autokey-gtk wmctrl -xa gnome-terminal.Gnome-terminal wmctrl -xl """ print('focus: ' + winhandle) args = ['wmctrl', '-xa', winhandle] XCtrl.cmd(*args, verbose=False) time.sleep(sleeptime)
[docs] @classmethod def send_keys(XCtrl, key, sleeptime=0.1): args = ['xdotool', 'key', str(key)] XCtrl.cmd(args) time.sleep(sleeptime)
# @classmethod # def focus(XCtrl, pattern=None, win_id=None, sleeptime=.01): # """ # sudo apt-get install xautomation # apt-get install autokey-gtk # wmctrl -xa gnome-terminal.Gnome-terminal # wmctrl -xl # """ # if pattern is not None: # assert win_id is None # if win_id is None: # assert pattern is not None # win_id = XCtrl.find_window_id(pattern, method='mru') # if win_id is None: # args = ['wmctrl', '-xa', pattern] # else: # args = ['wmctrl', '-ia', hex(win_id)] # XCtrl.cmd(*args, verbose=False) # time.sleep(sleeptime) if __name__ == '__main__': r""" CommandLine: export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:$HOME/code/vimtk python -m vimtk.xctrl """ import xdoctest xdoctest.doctest_module(__file__)